Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Still trudging away at the paperwork. I'm getting close to having a few things wrapped up though. We got our FBI fingerprints and state clearances back this week. Waiting on our passports now.

I spend the day getting financial stuff together for the home study... my least favorite part.

I have to keep focused on my list of things to do because if I start thinking about Aiden too much, I just fall apart. Our facilitator over sees told me "not to get too attached" until things are more official. I guess he doesn't understand the nature of my heart. Too late for "not getting too attached." I long for the day when I have all FIVE of my children playing around at my feet.

Oh, in order to get a little relief from the paperwork, I've been working on finishing our family room. We'll need the space soon for sure. It's been the most neglected room in our house... just kind of sitting there gross and in need of care. I spend the past weekend painting and it feels better already. We have carpet to rip out and flooring to install, but we are waiting on the funds for that! We were blessed with a really great deal on some used furniture, so all we need is the flooring and we've got a great family room to hang out in this winter!

That must be my adoption nesting kicking in! It happened with Elia too!

1 comment:

Debra said...

I am praying...WOW, what a special family you are...peace to your hearts!